St William's Catholic Primary School

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St William's Catholic Primary School

Christ at Our Heart

KS2 Internet Safety by Parent Zone

Please visit to find out more about how you can help your child to protect themselves online.

Roblox: what do you need to know, Privacy settings in social media apps, Protecting your child's online privacy, Our Parent Info website, Be Internet Legends homepage, Be Internet Legends resources

KS2 pupils were visited by ‘Be Internet Legends’ and the children were both entertained and informed about how to stay safe online. The children thoroughly enjoyed this interactive presentation and here are a few comments that our pupils had to say: ‘I really liked the Internet Safety Assembly because I have learned how to deal with cat phishers and hackers’. (Gabriela); I thought about how we had to be safe on the internet and I really enjoyed playing the games’ (Eurika); ‘Internet Legends are cool! Don’t share passwords, address or name of school’ (Patryk).  Helping our children to protect themselves online is essential and I urge you, as parents/carers, to regularly check who your child is communicating with and monitor the content of their online chat.  A parent, recently contacted me, to say that their child and pupils in our school were using Roblox (there are many other similar online games), that allow group chats and an unknown users joined in, asking the group, for specific information about themselves and saying that they would like to meet up. Furthermore, they uploaded a video as part of this ‘chat’.  It is so important that our children understand the dangers of sharing personal details and that these can be accessed by strangers.  Also, they must understand that uploading images of themselves, without appropriate privacy settings, places them in an extremely vulnerable position; images and selfies can be changed and distorted and shared throughout the online world. We want to inform our children how to safely use social media and online games so that they can minimise the risk to their personal safety and protect themselves from harm. 


Ask your child(ren) about the presentation.