St William's Catholic Primary School

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St William's Catholic Primary School

Christ at Our Heart

Good Shepherd Appeal


The generous pupils and their families, of St. William’s Catholic Primary School, have raised £558.40 for the annual Lenten Good Shepherd Appeal, which the Leeds Diocesan Primary Schools support, to help the work of Catholic Care.


St. William’s pupils raised this huge sum by organising numerous events: Year 1 and Year 2 held a Mini Olympics, Year 3 and Year 4 held a biscuit sale, Year 5 and Year 6 had a Fruit Pot Sale, all the children collected small change during Lent and there was an Easter Egg raffle as well.


Our Year 3 and Year 4 Mini Vinnies’ will present Bishop Marcus Stock with a cheque at a special Mass at Leeds Cathedral on Friday 24 May, when representatives from all the primary schools will gather and celebrate their contributions to the Catholic Care Appeal.  Monies raised support the most vulnerable members of our community.


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