Diocese of Leeds
Welcome from the Bishop of Leeds
Whatever your reason for visiting our website: if you are a parishioner from our own diocesan family, a first time visitor of any faith or none, or an enquirer seeking information, I welcome you. If you have been away from the Church for any reason, I warmly welcome you back home.
‘Catholic’ means ‘universal’. The 170,000 Catholics in our Diocese are part of the same family as the 1.3 billion Catholics worldwide. We are all brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. God is the Creator and Father of our human family: He feeds us, forgives us, and loves us. We try to do the same for one another.
Be assured that you are in my prayers; and I ask you to keep me in yours.
Your brother and servant in Christ,
The Rt Rev Marcus Stock, Tenth Bishop of Leeds
Further information can be found on the Diocesan website - Diocese of Leeds